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[Tests of] the sweatshirt [return] positive



And Inspector Lemik [has]

my bloody shoes



[Who knows whose] blood

it is

or how [it got there]



[Also who cares]



[The] pictures are [all] ugly



Runos [can] put me away for life


letting me [see my children]



The politician sees [just a killer]

and rests

[his cold] tea

in the ring [it made on his file folder]



Other than [pray for]

a miracle

what can I [do]



Say I am [sorry]



[Forgive] my enemies



Remix [the events] in

my mind

until [the story they tell is good]



[Truth] is boring



I [wish] my twin

born inside the news media

[was] the one sentenced



I [wish I could remove] him

like [a glutted tick

and skewer him to] an evidence label



As the protective door shuts behind me

I catch [a last


of the falcons’] shadows on the ground



[I leave

my name] and take

my number



The balance carries me


almost to zero]