What is meant to be

Since we cannot meet in this world, we agree to meet in Cold War Blues on page 247, four chapters after we kissed good-bye. Months before, we were convinced we’d be together again, the way young lovers insist it was meant to be. Until this day in June, it was all letters and dreams. I knew you’d return from Ohio someday and I’d be on a date with a guy I will break-up with because he isn’t you. I’d asked him to drive me home when I recognize your blue sedan parked across the street. I tell the guy I can’t see him anymore. When he asks why, I kiss him on the cheek and tell him it’s not his fault.


Heart pounding, I hesitate to approach your car only to find you still a dream, still words on a page. Instead, I slip my key into the front door. As the wind kicks up, I feel a voice whispering, “Claire, turn the page.”